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Registering a new patient

Here's all you need to know when registering a patient with the BSRBR-RA.


Before registering a patient, it's important to make sure they are eligible to join the study. If the patient is found to be ineligible, we will have to remove them from the database and the patient will not be eligible for upload to the UK CRN Central Portfolio Management System.

Check our eligibility information to see whether a patient meets the criteria. Feel free to contact us if you're unsure about a case.


Consenting the patient

Patients must have written, informed consent to participate in the BSRBR-RA. It's possible to send an invitation letter with the patient information sheet directly to a patient, but normally the patient is given the information sheet in clinic after discussing participation in the BSRBR-RA with them.

Click the links below to be taken to the relevant sections of the Consent Process and Registration pages to read more about the consent process and download the information sheet, transparency information sheet and consent form required to consent a patient.

*Please note the consent form and information sheet must be on Trust-headed paper.

There should be several copies of the signed consent form, one for each of the following:

  • Your centre's site file (section - enrolment log)
  • The patient's NHS notes
  • The patient

The original copy would usually be stored in the site file.

Following that, a copy should be sent to the BSRBR-RA by the method outlined below:

  • Scanned and uploaded to the BSRBR-RA database when entering the patient details (see how) - preferred method


Completing the baseline information

While the patient is in clinic signing the consent form, it's a good idea to have them complete the HAQ/EQ-5D questionnaires, so that they're ready to enter onto the database. It might also be a good time to fill in the clinical baseline questionnaire also in case you need to ask the patient any questions about their medical history.

These documents can be found using the links below:


Entering the patient's details onto the database

Now the patient is eligible, has been consented, and the baseline documents are filled in, you'll be able to register them as a new patient on the database.


Final steps

Once you've completed the baseline data entry, check the Preview Queries section on the left-hand menu when on any page within the baseline. This will tell you which data queries will be automatically generated if we checked the record in its current state. If there are no queries to show, well done!

If there are queries listed, go back to the pages and check to see if you've missed anything out. If the information is unavailable, please leave a comment in the Feedback section to let us know, otherwise we'll raise a query.

Once you're confident that you've finished clearing up any possible queries, you can click the Close 14 Day Window button, which makes the data read-only for you, and allows us to check through it, usually within one or two working days.


Getting help

If you need help during any part of this process, please get in touch. You might also find the following pages of our website useful: